Maui Dreams is partnering with the Civil Air Patrol to help the environment through better lighting technology.
In the June 11, 2007 edition of Popular Mechanics Julianne Pepitone and Emily Masamitsu reported the following:
“How much of a difference can CFLs really make?
According to EnergyStar—a program run by the Environmental Protection Agency—if each U.S. home replace
d just one of its incandescent bulbs with a CFL, the electricity saved each year could light 3 million homes and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equal to that of 800,000 cars. And with a recent study for the U.S. government saying that a single 24-watt CFL’s lifetime energy savings add up to the gas equivalent of a coast-to-coast Prius road trip.”
On Friday, June 8th 2-6pm, PADI Course Director and member of the Civil Air Patrol Chaz Dryden will be here at Maui Dreams to accept trade-ins of your old incandescent bulbs and replace them with CFL bulbs for FREE!!!
So gather up those obsolete incandescent bulbs and take advantage of this great opportunity to save money and make a difference!
See you on Friday! Aloha, Teri